A.A.Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science

Properties of element Mo
ΔH interface M in O (Miedema)-745
ΔH interface M in S (Miedema)-308
ΔH interface O in M (Miedema)-294
ΔH interface S in M-138
γ-free electron to specific heat2(mJ*mol-1*K-2)  13823
Atomic concentration6,42(1023 m-3)  13823
Atomic electron scattering factor at 0.51,95 13823
Atomic environment number (Villars, Daams)14  13823
Atomic number start counting left top, left-right sequence42  13823
Atomic weight95,94(10-3 kg)  13823
Boiling temperature4885
Boiling temperature4912
Boiling temperature4913
Boiling temperature5833
Bulk modulus261,2(GPa)  13823
Charge nuclear effective (Clementi)6,98 13823
Chemical potential (Miedema)4,65 13823
Compression modulus2,725(GPa)  13823
Conductivity electrical20(104 Ohm-1*cm-1) 13823
Conductivity thermal138
Debye temperature450
Distance from core electron (Schubert)0,9(A) 13823
Distance from valence electron (Schubert)1,46(A) 13823
Electrochemical weight equivalent0,1658(mg*K-1)  13823
Electron affinity72
Electronegativity (Alfred-Rochow)1,3 13823
Electronegativity (Martynov&Batsanov)1,94 13823
Electronegativity (Pauling)1,8 13823
Electronegativity absolute3,9 13823
Energy cohesive (Brewer)6,82
Energy of ionization first684,9
Energy of ionization second1558
Energy of ionization third2621
Enthalpy of atomization658,1
Enthalpy of melting28
Enthalpy of surface (Miedema)188
Enthalpy of vacancies (Miedema)200
Enthalpy of vaporization536
Enthalpy of vaporization589,9
Enthalpy of vaporization590
Enthalpy of vaporization594
Enthalpy of vaporization617
Entropy of solid28,59584
Group number6 13823
Hardness (Brinell)1500[MPa] 17060
Hardness (Brinell)2500[MPa] 13823
Linear thermal expansion coefficient4,8(10-6*K-1) 13823
Linear thermal expansion coefficient5,2(10-6*K-1) 17060
Magnetic frequency of nuclei6,514 13823
Magnetic resonance2,774(MHz)  13823
Magnetic susceptibility0,000000012(m3*kg-1) 13823
Mass attenuation coefficient CrKα163(cm2*g-1)  13823
Mass attenuation coefficient FeKα300(cm2*g-1) 13823
Mass attenuation coefficient for CuKα162(cm2*g-1)  13823
Mass attenuation coefficient for MoKα18,4(cm2*g-1)  13823
Melting temperature2890
Mendeleev chemists sequence62  13823
Mendeleev d-t start left53  13823
Mendeleev d-t start right51  13823
Mendeleev H d-t start left52  13823
Mendeleev H d-t start right52  13823
Mendeleev H t-d start left52  13823
Mendeleev H t-d start right52  13823
Mendeleev Pettifor56  13823
Mendeleev Pettifor regular56  13823
Mendeleev t-d start left53  13823
Mendeleev t-d start right51  13823
Modulus of rigidity125,6(GPa) 13823
Molar heat capacity24,06
Moment nuclear magnetic0,91(mu) 13823
Nuclear charge effective (Slater)3,45 13823
nW1/3 (Miedema)1,77(a.u.-1/3)  13823
Oxidation state first 3 13823
Periodic number start counting bottom right, right-left sequence62  13823
Periodic number start counting left bottom, left-right sequence55  13823
Periodic number start counting top right, right-left sequence49  13823
Poisson's ratio0,293 13823
Quantum number5 13823
Radii covalent129
Radii metal (Waber)1,4(A) 13823
Radii pseudo-potential (Zunger)2,72(a.u.) 13823
Resistivity electrical5,2(10-8 Ohm*m)  13823
Sound velocity5900(m*s-1) 13823
Spectral lines no292 13823
Spin nuclei2,5(h) 13823
Surface tension at Tm3000
Thermal neutron capture cross section2,6(barns) 13823
V2/3 (Miedema)4,45(cm2)  13823
Valence electron number6 13823
Vapour pressure at Tm3,47(N*m-2) 13823
Volume of atom (Villars, Daams)1,558(10-2 nm3)  13823
Work function4,6(eV)  13823
Young's modulus324,8(GPa)  13823
PropertyC.N.Radii ionic (Shannon)CommentsReferences
Mo+360,690 Å 13826
Mo+460,650 Å 13826
Mo+540,460 Å 13826
Mo+560,610 Å 13826
Mo+640,410 Å 13826
Mo+650,500 Å 13826
Mo+660,590 Å 13826
Mo+670,730 Å 13826
Radii ionic (Bokii & Belov)
Mo+40,680 Å 13824
Mo+60,650 Å 13824
Radii ionic (Goldsmidt)
Mo+40,680 Å 13824
Radii ionic (Pauling)
Mo+40,660 Å 13824
Mo+60,620 Å 13824
Radii ionic (Yagoda)
Mo+40,750 Å 13824
Mo+60,630 Å 13824